Monday 15 December 2014

Kinds of delicious coffee in Coffee Shop in Kolkata

If you love to visit coffee shop in a regular basis you must have knowledge about world’s delicious coffee. You may select any Coffee Shop in Kolkata. But you must know about different types of coffee famous in the world. You may go to the coffee shop and search for one of them. It will also help you to increase your knowledge about coffee flavors. Some most celebrated kinds of coffee are:

·         Coffee Creme Brulee: It is a kind of coffee which is derived from USA. The father of this flavor is Chef Ramsay, a well known face in the field of cooking. It is a black coffee which is made with extra cream. The name of the coffee comes from this use of extra cream in brewing coffee. 

·         Irish Coffee: It is a cocktail coffee which is mixed with whiskey. A strong flavored dark coffee and the whiskey are the main ingredient of this coffee. The assisting ingredients to add flavor are whipped cream and sugar. The father of this recipe is Joseph Sheridan. He is the at one of the restaurants n Ireland. That’s why the name is Irish coffee. 

·         Bombon Café: This coffee needs the ingredients espresso coffee and milk in same ratio along with the modified variant, the real coffee beans. The kind of coffee is very popular in Valencia.
·         Ristretto: This coffee is famous in Netherland. The color intensity of this flavor is much more viscous than espresso. The ristretto is concentrated at the time of boiling to bring the roper color. This is a recipe of black coffee.

·         Café Latte: It is an alternative option for the coffee drinkers who do not drink coffee pekatnya. You can opt for this flavor for your family in Banquet halls in Kolkata. The use of cream is highest among all these coffee flavors and cream make the coffee sweeter than any other.